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19 : 36 : 27
May 05, 2024


The investment platform is new Generations

Join the real team Blockchain experts and professional crypto traders. Invest in our tariff plans and After 20 working days, you will receive up to 1200% of the profit.

Bitcoin 63 809.99 Btc/usd
Ethereum 3 131.70 Eth/usd
Litecoin 80.62 Ltc/usd
Bitcoin Cash 462.90 Bch/usd
Online days
Invested in total
0.00 USD
Total payments
0.00 USD

Regulations Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy determines the order in which Bitnerves Group Limited collects, uses, stores and discloses information received from users (hereinafter “User” or “you”) web site (hereinafter “Site”). Real policy Privacy applies to the site and all the services offered by Bitnerves Group Limited on this site.

Personal identification information

We can collect personal identification data from users with various in ways, including, but not limited to cases when users visit our site, signed for warning by e -mail, as well as in the process of other types activities, use of services, functions or resources that we provide for our site. If necessary, users can have a name, address Email, mailing address, phone number. However, users have the right Visit our site anonymously. We will collect personal identification information from Users, only if they voluntarily provide us with such information. Users can always refuse to provide personal identification information, Given that this refusal may prevent them from participating in activities related to site.

Non-personal identification information

We can collect non -personal identification information about users when they interact with our site. Non -personal identification information may include The name of the browser, computer type and technical information about connection tools users to our site, such as the operating system used and used Internet providers, as well as other similar information.

Cook files (cookies)

Our site can use “cooks” to increase the convenience of users. Web browser The user retains the COOKIE files on the hard drive of the computer and sometimes tracks Information about them. Users can choose their web browser to refuse to Cookies-files or warned about sending cuckoo files, but this could lead to the fact that Some functions of the site will not work properly.

How do we use the collected information

The company can collect and use personal information of users for the next goals:
- To improve user experience: we can use information in sets to understand how our users as a group use services and Resources provided on our website, and so that we can improve our site.
- To send emails: if the user decides to enable Email notification, he will receive emails that can include news about the company, updates, information about the relevant products or services, etc. In case the user would like to refuse to subscribe to our electronic newsletter, detailed instructions for unsubscription are located at the bottom of each email.

Payment systems
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Blitz-Script / 4.6.22

Это демо-версия дизайна для CMS Blitz-Script, которая носит исключительно информационный характер и не предусматривает возможности внесения денежных средств, а также непосредственного участия пользователей в данном проекте.